Introducing the Year of the Fire

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Fire: The phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame and heat (as defined in the ‘Merriam-Webster Dictionary’).

It’s hard to think of an earthly, chemical process that evokes a broader spectrum of human emotions than the presence of fire. Without fire, human civilization as we know it today would not exist. Fire gives us heat to warm ourselves in the coldest of nights and light to see through the darkest caves. It’s not hard to imagine the first conversation between humans taking place around a campfire. Fire is also a destructive force that can wipe away fortunes in the blink of an eye. It can burn and disfigure. Its smoke can suffocate and render places unlivable.

During 2020, the North Carolina State Parks system has chosen to highlight fire, both wildfire and prescribed fire, as its topic of discussion and interpretation. Throughout the year we will bring a series of articles on the history of wildfire in the region, the reintroduction of fire within the park in the form of prescribed burning and the ecological reasons that habitat managers use fire to suppress invasive species while at the same time increase biodiversity.

We will also explain the use of fire to fight fire; how wildland firefighters use deliberate “backfires” to protect property and infrastructure from catastrophic wildfires.

It’s a fascinating topic with lots of complexity and nuance and we can’t wait to get started.

Happy New Year everyone.