Park Under Construction

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As the park prepares to receive visitors this summer a major septic repair at the Paddy’s Creek Area is top priority. After several failures in recent years – sometimes coming at highest visitor volume – the system is being upgraded to handle the demand. While that work continues, the public area around the PCA bathhouse and along the sidewalk to the east will remain in varying stages of disruption. Caution tape and fencing surround the active construction zone, but visitors are urged to be cautious while passing by. It is expected that the new system will be running by Memorial Day weekend, but until then, the four unisex bathrooms in the breezeway, men’s and women’s locker rooms and outdoor showers will be turned off. Visitors can still use the bathrooms at the east end of the parking area, between the west and east picnic shelters. We apologize for the inconvenience.

In other park project news; the new visitor center is slowly making its way to the finish line. The most-recent completion date estimate is for the end of July. Add another two months or so to get the staff moved in and the exhibit hall installed and we hope to be open to the public sometime in September.

While everyone is especially excited about the Cove Bridge, by contract, it’s grand opening must wait for the completion of the visitor center. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to traverse the bridge before it’s official open date or risk citation for trespassing in an unauthorized location.

We know everyone is excited to celebrate the summer and to check out the park they know and love so much. Just bear with us and rest assured those amenities, both old and new, will become available as soon as safely possible.